Club Car Conversation - Women on the Railroad (Virtual)
January 14 | 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.Virtual
UNfortunately, this event has already occurred.
Join us and author, Chris Enss, in discussing women and the railroad!
Dating back to the 19th century, women have had roles in the railroad. Beyond nursing and services roles, women played a larger part in the creation of rail lines than they have been given credit for. Although the physical task of building the railroad had been achieved by men, Enss will discuss the significant and lasting contributions that women made to the historic operation!
Club Car Conversations are casual virtual chats about railroads, history, and pop culture. They are open and free to the public!
Can't make it but still want to participate? No worries! All registries will receive a recording of the Zoom that will be accessible for up to 10 days!
Contact: Isabelle Kaeding
Phone: (712) 329-8307
Email: [email protected]
Categories: Arts & Culture, Community, Educational